Pantomime with a mission: “Resistance” shows unknown Marcel Marceau

Mime with a mission
“Resistance” shows unknown Marcel Marceau

A scene from the film “Resistance”. Photo: – / Warner Bros. Entertainment / dpa

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In “Resistance”, Jesse Eisenberg once again dares to work on a character based on a real model. He plays Marcel Mangel – known as Marcel Marceau, who died in 2007, perhaps the most famous pantomime in the world.

In “Resistance”, Jesse Eisenberg once again dares to work on a character based on a real model. He plays Marcel Mangel – known as Marcel Marceau, who died in 2007, perhaps the most famous pantomime in the world.

At the beginning of the two-hour drama, there is not much of its later fame to be felt. Still without a stage name, the young Marcel resists his Jewish father’s wish to take over the family butcher’s shop. Instead, he admires Charlie Chaplin and wants to make it as an artist himself. He joins the French resistance against the Nazis. The group plans to help hundreds of Jewish orphans flee to Switzerland – Marcel’s art and humor are proving to be indispensable.

Resistance – Resistance, France / USA / Germany / Great Britain 2020, 122 min., FSK from 12, by Jonathan Jakubowicz, with Jesse Eisenberg, Cléménce Poésy, Matthias Schweighöfer, Ed Harris


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