Pandemic: The landline telephone remains very popular

The landline telephone remains very popular

A woman holds the receiver of a landline phone in her hand – the device has been on the rise again since the pandemic. Photo: Marc Müller/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Those who are at home more often make more calls – and the Bundesnetzagentur finds that they like to use landline phones.

Germans continue to use landline phones much more frequently than they did before the corona pandemic. According to a report by the Federal Network Agency, which is available to the dpa, the German fixed network accounted for around 102 billion call minutes last year.

That was two billion fewer than in the first Corona year, 2020, but eight billion more than in 2019. During the pandemic, landline phones came back into fashion because people were more at home and less on the go than before. The latest figures from the Bonn authorities make it clear that demand has remained at a comparatively high level.

The figures do not include the call minutes that are attributable to Internet services such as WhatsApp or Signal: Many consumers use such apps not only for chatting or sending photos, but also for calls via their smartphone.


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