Pandemic: organizers warn of a «fatal blow» for the industry

Organizers warn of a “death knell” for the industry

Further restrictions could bring the end for many companies in the event industry. Photo: Lino Mirgeler / dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

“Restricting contacts”, “canceling parties” – the current discussion awakens bad memories of the past winter in the event industry. The warning: Many did not go through it again.

Concerts, conferences, Christmas markets: from the industry’s point of view, further restrictions on events could mean the end for many of the companies involved. The Federal Association of the Concert and Event Industry warns of a “death knell” for the industry.

Recommendations from the Robert Koch Institute and from federal states to close events are in no way understandable. “If necessary, we would also be prepared to require our visitors to present a current negative rapid test, ie to use” 2G plus “,” said association president Jens Michow of the dpa.

Showmen and trade fair organizers are also alarmed by the increasing number of corona cases. The Federal Conference on Event Management spoke of gloomy and uncertain prospects, which today wants to inform in an online press conference about the consequences of the expired Corona economic aid.

“We are afraid of our existence”

“We are extremely alarmed, we are afraid of our existence,” said Showman President Albert Ritter of the dpa. For them, the Christmas markets are now the most important source of income before the fair season starts again after the winter months. “If the couple of Christmas markets are closed for symbolic politics, bridging aid is needed.”

The family businesses are financially at the end, writes Ritter in a letter to the SPD health politician Karl Lauterbach. “The old-age provisions have been used up, life insurance policies have been canceled, the accounts empty or overdrawn.”

The Association of the German Exhibition Industry (Auma) warned against actionism. “The recipes from last winter no longer taste good,” said the head of the association, Jörn Holtmeier. Recommendations such as that of the Robert Koch Institute to cancel all events in general is hardly understandable in view of the vaccination rates among adults.

“The fourth wave of corona is here, events and orders are being canceled, jobs are being lost and income is falling again or disappearing completely,” said the Federal Conference on Event Management. Aid programs, however, expired on December 31st. They urgently need to be extended.


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