Pandemic: New Zealand: Violence during evacuation of compulsory vaccination protest camps

New Zealand: Violence during evacuation of compulsory vaccination protest camp

Demonstrators protesting against the vaccination mandate stand outside the Houses of Parliament in Wellington. Photo: Ben Mckay/AAP/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Violent clashes broke out between police and protesters when authorities cleared a camp of anti-vaccination opponents in New Zealand.

Violent clashes broke out between police and protesters when authorities cleared a camp of anti-vaccination opponents in New Zealand.

Hundreds of officers in riot gear were deployed to break up the camp set up 23 days ago in front of Wellington’s Houses of Parliament.

The police also used fire hoses as water cannons and pepper spray during the action, while the demonstrators sprayed the officers with fire extinguishers and threw various objects at them, New Zealand media reported. At least three officers were injured, according to a statement. Demonstrators also set fire to tents in the afternoon. Thick black smoke rose from the makeshift camp.

Corona vaccination obligation for certain groups

“In particular, we are concerned that those with good intentions are now outnumbered by those willing to use force,” said Chief Constable Andrew Coster. About 60 protesters were arrested, reported the broadcaster Radio New Zealand. The police spoke of 38 arrests.

On February 8, thousands of demonstrators – apparently inspired by the visually powerful protests by angry truck drivers in Ottawa, Canada – went to Parliament in a convoy of trucks to express their displeasure with the strict corona rules in the Pacific state. Among other things, they set up tents on the site. Just a few days later, the police had tried to clear the camp for the first time and arrested dozens of participants.

In New Zealand, there is a corona vaccination requirement for certain occupational groups, including health workers, firefighters, in the education sector, as well as in the correctional system and the military. Employees who do not get vaccinated face termination. Proof of vaccinations are also required in cafés and restaurants, at church services and in the gym.


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