Pandemic: Lauterbach: Corona course no reason for more mental disorders

Lauterbach: Corona course no reason for more mental disorders

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) speaks during a press conference on the current Corona situation. (Archive image) Photo: Kay Nietfeld / dpa

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The number of mental disorders in Germany has increased since the pandemic. A consequence of the strict Corona measures? Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach clearly rejects these allegations.

Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach has rejected allegations that the German corona policy, with its somewhat stricter international measures, is responsible for the increase in mental disorders.

“You have to be careful, the studies do not give you that in my opinion,” said the SPD politician on Monday evening in the ARD program “Hard but fair”. There are more mental disorders even in countries that have done less than Germany. He cited the USA as an example, where, in his opinion, a great number of deaths could have been avoided. The disruptions are presumably more due to the corona situation as a whole than to the protective measures.

Great Britain makes an “unethical bet”

He called the British government’s waiver of strict measures despite the explosion in the number of infections an “unethical bet”. With its course of protecting people, Germany did not do any worse economically than Great Britain, for example.

The British course is also out of the question because the vaccination rate in Germany, especially among older people, is much worse than that in Great Britain. «I would like a strategy like the one in England, which amounts to contamination without being called that, I would never recommend such a strategy to us. And the federal government is not available for this either. “

Lauterbach: Gives more vaccine than necessary

With a view to complaints from doctors about an inadequate supply of vaccines, Lauterbach said: “It is up to the federal states to make this allocation. And I would also imagine a slightly different allocation from country to country. “

Overall, there is more vaccine than necessary to be able to cover the entire population who are ready for booster vaccinations – but not the one from the manufacturers Biontech and Pfizer, but above all that from Moderna. Moderna cans were bought in large quantities, but Biontech, on the other hand, could not be sufficiently procured “for production reasons”.


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