Pancakeswap approved the release of DEX on Aptos with a “98% agree” vote.

Pancakeswap Decentralized Exchange Has passed a regulatory proposal for the deployment of DEX on Aptos with a “98% agree” vote.

This launch on Aptos will be the second Pancakeswap has been launched on another blockchain. Following its deployment on Ethereum, part of the proposal states that Pancakeswap’s CAKE tokens will be integrated into Aptos, along with four main DEX features.

The Pancakeswap team will be rolling out swaps , farms, pools, and IFO ( initial farm offerings ) features on Aptos by the end of November.

The Aptos and Pancakeswap teams will work to build on the Aptos project and help it grow on the platform, with a representative from Aptos saying that Pancakeswap will launch liquidity pools for Aptos native APT tokens.

Pancakeswap originated from the BNB Chain and is the second largest decentralized exchange. Based on trading volume according to The Block’s Data Dashboard.

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