Pakistan: Ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan attacks the army in the SZ interview – politics

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan lost a no-confidence vote last year and his government collapsed. Now the former cricket star is attacking his country’s army leadership. He sees himself as the victim of a conspiracy and wants to stand again in the next elections.

Imran Khan arrives on time for the scheduled video call, which he is conducting from his home in Lahore. His staff have two flags draped in the background. In conversation, the 70-year-old is aggressive. Pakistan’s prime minister, who was ousted last year, has not resigned himself to the offside role envisaged for him by the all-powerful military and political family dynasties of Sharif and Bhutto-Zardari. Khan is at the center of a drama that has been going on in the nuclear state of Pakistan for months – the outcome is uncertain.

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