“O’zapft is!” Picture-perfect start to Oktoberfest

With fantastic weather, it was a start straight out of a picture book: the Munich Oktoberfest has begun. With two strokes, Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) tapped the first barrel of Oktoberfest beer at 12 p.m. sharp. His words “O’zapft is” officially opened the Oktoberfest 2023. He handed the first pint of beer to Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) to toast a peaceful Oktoberfest with him. Firecracker shots announced the start of the folk festival – and the beer serving.

Reiter said he believes it could be the “happiest Oktoberfest in years.” “People’s desire to celebrate is great.” Söder said people also needed to celebrate. “You need joy in life to recharge your batteries.” And: “We are the calling card for joy of life.”

Söder makes tax policy at the Oktoberfest

Officially, the election campaign in Bavaria should not play a role at the Oktoberfest. Nevertheless, Söder made a political demand shortly before the tapping. The “gastronomy tax” should not be increased: “I think food and drink is already too expensive. No increase in taxes on food and drinks,” he shouted to the people in the festival tent.

Entry of the Oktoberfest hosts in sunshine

The Oktoberfest hosts had previously traveled to the Oktoberfest grounds in Munich in colorfully decorated carriages. Numerous onlookers lined the streets of Munich city center in bright sunshine to watch the festive entry into the Theresienwiese.

Early riser for Oktoberfest

Even after it was dark on Saturday morning, the first Oktoberfest guests had lined up in front of the entrances to the festival. At around 6 a.m., numerous folk festival fans in dirndls and lederhosen were already waiting to get in. They were mostly young visitors who had waited since dawn to get a good spot in the beer tent.

Race for the best spots in the tents

When the entrances opened shortly after 9 a.m., many people ran to secure a place in a tent. There were thousands who flocked to the festival grounds before the official opening of the Munich Oktoberfest.

In the video: Rush on the festival grounds

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