Owllucas, this tiktokeur who talks bodybuilding and depression

“Down with my demon” tattooed on his back and an angelic smile printed on his face. From the top of his “almost 30 years”, the Toulousain Lucas rolled his bump well before finding his way. Before deciding to talk about both mental health and physical health to the 200,000 followers of the TikTok account owllucas. When he launched two years ago on the video platform for “personal therapy”, he has almost 8 million likes on his videos.

“I was in depression and I had problems with alcohol. These videos were for me a kind of logbook and a commitment. I said to myself that I had to care for the people who followed me, ”explains this young man hidden behind his mustache. “I moved forward for them and it made it possible to meet people in the same state as me”, he always adds with a calm and calm voice as when he told, parked in his car, how one can touch the bottom and how sometimes the days are hard…

“If it can touch a person, it’s a winner”

If today the child of the country has made good progress, has come out of it, he continues all the same to confide his feelings, his weaknesses and his difficulties on a daily basis while dividing his time between the networks and Basic Fit, a fitness, where he takes care of the reception. “I’m not the archetypal muscle guy in the gym. It’s important to show that you shouldn’t put what you feel under glass. Especially for men. We can be at the bottom of the bucket and get out of it and it’s not a shame, nor a weakness, ”says the one who was able to count on a truly united community. “I help people” has even become the description of his account: self-confidence, anxiety, jealousy, relationship… “if it can touch at least one person, if it can be a support, it’s a winner”, adds Lucas who still had to close the door to too much promiscuity with his community. “As I speak frankly about everyday problems, difficult times, many have come to tell me about theirs in my DMs. I received so many intolerable, difficult messages, it was screwing me up. I couldn’t even be totally there for them. I prefer to protect myself and help them in any way I can through the videos”.

Sincerity rather than glitter

Lucas isn’t just using his channel to promote the importance of mental health. He also shows what he loves above all else: sport. From a literary baccalaureate, to the profession of cabinetmaker then to aeronautics, the kid from Toulouse ended up finding his place. Warm in his gym where he takes care of athletes while enjoying the machines during his free time. It pushes to the room and it shows it. With Lucas, we are emotionally naked and physically bare-chested. Bodybuilding advice welcome but… sometimes criticized by his favorite haters: “Only men… They attack on the physique because I don’t have a bodybuilder’s body, on the fact that I wouldn’t be legitimate to talk about sport, etc. Also, when I denounce something and someone is hurt in their ego, it can go live. It’s the game… But it goes as far as death threats. »

Far from these toxic people, the tiktokeur continues his merry way with a single watchword: “sincerity”. “People are much more welcoming when we show them real life, our vulnerability and our failures than when we show glitter”.

Of failures, he now knows less. So he can make plans: become a sports coach, continue to help people psychologically and physically “whether on video or in real life”.

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