Overall grade for education policy: unsatisfactory. – Culture


Alex Rühle

The Bavarian students receive their certificates on Thursday. They also all receive a letter from the Minister of State for Education and Culture to take home with them. In it Michael Piazolo writes: “The maxim for the coming school year must be: Full classroom instruction. Our students need their everyday life, their classmates, the social contacts.” That is said beautifully after a year and a half of the pandemic. Because if we have all learned something in this gruesome school year, it is how important school is as a social place. Firstly, face-to-face learning. On the other hand, the daily structuring. But also and maybe above all being together. The meeting in the school yard, falling in love with the classmate from the parallel class, the trips and theater performances. Homeschooling, on the other hand, was a gigantic disaster.


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