Outgoing president François Bonneau (left) wins the second round

The outgoing president of the Center-Val de Loire region François Bonneau (PS), won the second round of the regional elections this Sunday. The socialist was largely reelected as president of the Center-Val de Loire region, taking advantage of the disunity of the right and the presidential majority, he announced Sunday evening in Orléans.

With a little over 80% of the votes counted at 9 p.m., the outgoing president is credited with 36.99% of the vote, well ahead of the candidate RN Aleksandar Nikolic (24.35%). The two other candidates of the quadrangular of the second round, Nicolas Forissier (LR) and Minister Marc Fesneau (presidential majority), are credited respectively with 22.75% and 15.92%.

Merger with the EELV-LFI list

“It’s a moment of happiness. (…) The forces of the left and the ecology have been able to converge. We score higher than adding the two lists. (…) We are clearly ahead of the other political forces in the region, ”said François Bonneau. The socialist, who had allied with the Communists from the first round, had merged between the two rounds with the EELV-LFI list, to reconstitute the current regional majority.

“Our project has a great social ambition. It’s a victory and it’s a commitment to ecological transition, ”he said. Representative of the presidential majority, the Minister of Relations with Parliament, Marc Fesneau, regretted “abstention” and the impossibility of an alliance with the right between the two towers.

“I think we should all be worried”

“It’s not me who must regret, it’s Nicolas Forissier. We may regret, but it’s done and we are not going to cry over spilled milk, ”he commented. Asked about his future in government, the minister considered that “it is not for him to decide his fate”.

For his part, candidate RN Aleksandar Nikolic blasted the failing delivery, according to him, of electoral propaganda. He was also concerned about the low voter turnout (32.34%).

“It’s a problem to see how uninterested voters are in local elections. I think we should all be worried, ”said Aleksandar Nikolic. “It is not representative for the presidential elections,” he insisted.

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