Our travel quiz: Relaxed or adventurous – this travel type is you

What kind of vacationer am I? Do I want party or relaxation? Do I need WiFi? Or am I looking for seclusion? Our test provides information, but please fill it out BEFORE you travel together!

Travel Quiz: Destination

1. I prefer to drive to places…

A…where younger people are

B…where older building remains are

C…where nobody is

D…where you can get fries if you need them

2. When I think of “Hawaii” I think of…



C Isn’t that Swabian for »opposite of Hanoi«?

D I go there when the kids are out of the house and the dog is dead

3. The photo on the travel document…

A…doesn’t look like me at all

B…different glasses

C On what?

D…I still had hair

Travel quiz: risk taking

4. The most exotic drink on vacation was…

A…a drop of water that I squeezed out of a desert rock myself

B…Campari Orange – but I divided my time over the evening

C…the beer from the neighbors

D…undiluted milk powder

5. Herpes…

A…is part of it

B…simple or zoster?

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