Our correspondent in the United States answers your questions on Insta Live

The House of Representatives, the Senate, the governors, the Secretaries of State, local referendums… The big day of the midterms, the midterm elections in the United States, is fast approaching: it will be Tuesday, November 8th. For several weeks now, our correspondent on site, Philippe Berry, has been giving you the keys to understanding the main issues, but also the latest trends as the verdict approaches.

Will we see a “MAGA” wave, likely to boost Donald Trump for 2024? On the contrary, will the Democrats create a surprise, offering a breath of fresh air to President Joe Biden? What are the candidates to follow, the states to watch? What themes stood out? What will be next depending on the results?

Our correspondent in the United States, Philippe Berry, will answer your questions about midterms next Monday, November 7, from 6 p.m. on Insta Live, on the Instagram account of 20 minutes. He will be alongside our political journalist Rachel Garrat-Valcarcel. While waiting for this meeting, do you have a question in mind about midterms? It’s this way :

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