Organized crime: More potential for violence in gangs

Status: 09/15/2022 08:44 a.m

Organized criminal gangs are becoming increasingly violent in Germany. That was determined by the Federal Ministry of the Interior. The union accuses the ministry of not drawing any conclusions from this.

Criminal gangs in Germany have an ever increasing potential for violence. The Federal Ministry of the Interior answered a request from the Union faction.

The willingness to use violence is expressed in the fact that more firearms would be procured. In addition, criminal profits are invested in legal business sectors, “with the risk of undermining economic structures”.

According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the criminal groups tried to influence the police, authorities and the economy with the help of insiders or corruption.

Investigations become more difficult

At the same time, investigations into organized crime (OC) would become more technically demanding because the perpetrators were increasingly acting digitally. The federal and state governments therefore need appropriately equipped law enforcement agencies. Undercover investigators would also have to continue to be used, mainly because of the “professionalization and isolation of the OC groups”.

The police speak of organized crime when more than two people involved commit crimes for a longer or indefinite period of time, determined by the pursuit of profit and power, using commercial structures and violence or other means suitable for intimidation or by influencing politics, the media, public administration , the judiciary or the economy work together.

CDU politician: Too few consequences

“When it comes to fighting OC, the federal government obviously has no problem with knowledge, but with action,” said CDU politician Günter Krings.

According to the deputy, no consequences would be drawn from the increasing need for resources in the law enforcement agencies. Krings was Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of the Interior under former Interior Minister Horst Seehofer.

“United Tribunes” banned

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser banned the rocker-like group “United Tribuns” on Wednesday. They were active in the red-light district and attracted attention with fraud and drug trafficking.

An up-to-date picture of the situation on organized crime is expected to be published before the end of this month.

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