Organic to save Bordeaux?

After asking ourselves if Bordeaux is still cooked?, here is our second episode of the podcast “Les Pépins du bordeaux”. In this episode, we meet two wine growers who are thinking about the agriculture of tomorrow. To better promote their wines and adapt to climate change, some winegrowers are choosing organic farming. In Teuillac, in the Côtes de Bourg, Pierre-Henri Cosyns presides the association of organic winegrowers of Nouvelle-Aquitaine. On his farm, he defends the organic model as a way out of the crisis in the promotion of reds.

Some go even further, like Jean-Baptiste and Théophile, a father and his son, who develop Château Anthony, an agroforestry vineyard. A form of agriculture which draws its inspiration from the functioning of forests to find biodiversity and resilience in the face of climatic shocks in their ranks. Enjoy our report!

” Wait a minute ! “, it’s what ?

” Wait a minute ! » is the current affairs podcast of 20 minutes, available on all listening platforms and applications and on the podcast platform. We talk about news, with reports and interviews, but also behind the scenes of our media.

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