Ordinance in Baden-Württemberg: move away from the corona incidence

As of: 08/16/2021 4:58 p.m.

For a long time it was the most important benchmark in the corona pandemic. In the meantime, the seven-day incidence is becoming less and less important – Baden-Württemberg has been going the furthest since today.

Queuing is the order of the day in front of the Wilhelma entrance in Stuttgart. In addition to the tickets, the staff at the Stuttgart Zoo must also check the 3-G. The visitors must therefore be able to prove that they have been fully vaccinated, recovered or tested.

Not only Wilhelma has to control: Regardless of the seven-day incidence, which has determined social life in the past year and a half, the green-black governed state is ramping up public life again. Instead of incidence, everything here will revolve around 3-G in the future. In all institutions of public life it must be proven that one has been vaccinated, recovered or tested.

Incidence is not entirely unimportant

The incidence, which has so far been so important, should not become completely irrelevant. According to the Baden-Württemberg Minister of Health Manfred Lucha (Greens), it is still important to be able to assess the infection rate. However, other factors should become more important in the future for the rules laid down in the Corona Ordinance: the capacity utilization of the intensive care beds, the vaccination rate, the hospitalization rate and the threat of overloading the health system.

Criticism of the new corona regulation

There had been criticism of the new system in advance from the AfD and the FDP in the country. And the virologist Martin Stürmer is also skeptical about turning away from incidence. Although the pandemic can no longer be assessed one-to-one in terms of its incidence, the virologist would “definitely not” abolish the incidence. You give an overview of the infection process in the country.

Elimination of the person limit

Full restaurants and clubs, direct neighbors in cinemas and theaters: what was unthinkable for months could become a reality again in Baden-Württemberg with the new regulation. At the moment, Wilhelma is not offering the option of full utilization. Visiting the zoo should be an experience, says Deputy Director Volker Grün. In addition, they have a duty of care towards the staff and visitors. Virologist Stürmer also advises against full utilization – although the 3-G rule would generate “a high level of security”.

Werner Schretzmeier, director of the Theaterhaus in Stuttgart, on the other hand, is pleased that they will be able to fully occupy the house again in the future. “But you have to consider: the audience has to take part,” said Schretzmeier. It remains to be seen whether people would trust the new regulation.

Positive mood among the visitors

The visitors to Wilhelma and the Theaterhaus do not seem to have a lack of trust. Most of the respondents are already fully vaccinated and therefore feel sufficiently protected against infection with the coronavirus – even if it could be significantly fuller everywhere in the future. “The risk is relatively low,” says Peggy Neumüller, a visitor to Wilhelma, for example. Werner Eisler, a guest at the Theaterhaus, also thinks that the new regulation is “a sensible decision”. But not everyone likes the elimination of the person limit. “I feel safer when there are fewer people,” says Wilhelma visitor Ruth Langer.

Club visit only with PCR test

In the future, clubs in Baden-Württemberg will again be able to dance to full capacity. A quick test, such as for a visit to a restaurant or a trip to the gym, is not enough here. According to the new Corona regulation, you need a PCR test for this. And they’re not cheap: PCR tests in Baden-Württemberg can cost between 50 and 200 euros – depending on where you are being tested.

Yusuf Oksaz, owner of the “Dilayla” club in Stuttgart, thinks the regulation is okay. “It would have been irresponsible with just a rapid test,” says Oksaz. If that is too expensive for you, you still get the vaccination. “It was completely clear to me that the only thing would end with vaccination. This is the only way we can get back to normal, “says the club owner. For Health Minister Lucha, the message behind the new regulation is very clear:” Those who are vaccinated have a less complicated life. “

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