Optimism prepares for a major upgrade to address various critical bottlenecks of Rollup.

Optimism is preparing a major upgrade known as “Bedrock,” where the new upgrade will address major bottlenecks of existing rollup systems and unlock new opportunities for dApps.

Optimism’s Kelvin Fichter calls Bedrock: “The most advanced roll-up ever created.”

Kelvin Fichter, software developer at OP Labs, took to Twitter to share the key points of the Paris presentation. He revealed something special about Optimism’s upcoming Bedrock upgrade.

Bedrock Optimism is the only Rollup that leverages Ethereum’s Engine API and is the most decentralized, fastest, and smoothest in terms of L1/L2 interactions.

Optimism is a key Layer 2 solution for scaling Ethereum (ETH), accounting for 25% of all L2’s TVL.

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