Oppositions attack the government

Haro on the government. The death of Yvan Colonna after his attack in prison revived Tuesday the criticisms of the oppositions which question the “responsibility of the State” and denounce, like Marine Le Pen, the “mutism” of the Keeper of the Seals Eric Dupond-Moretti.

The death of Yvan Colonna, sentenced for the assassination of the prefect Claude Erignac in 1998, means that “the jihad continues even in prison” and that “the State of Emmanuel Macron does not hold anything, does not control anything”, estimated the far-right candidate Eric Zemmour during a press briefing at the Aulnay-sous-Bois market (Seine-Saint-Denis).

This death “after two weeks of agony is a shameful fact, of extreme gravity”, criticized Marine Le Pen, judging that “this assassination in the prison premises engages the responsibility of the State” and ironically on “the silence of a Minister of Justice usually quite prolific”. “The silence” of the Keeper of the Seals “becomes deafening”, also judged the socialist senator Patrick Kanner.

Dupont-Moretti former lawyer of Colonna

The Ministry of Justice refers to Matignon for all questions relating to this case, Eric Dupond-Moretti having defended Yvan Colonna during his third trial, in 2011. When he was appointed to the Chancellery, in the summer 2020, the former tenor of the bar was officially dismissed from all business related to his former clients, under a decree of “deportation” to Jean Castex.

There is “a strong chance” that the Socialist group in the Senate will request a commission of inquiry, also indicated Patrick Kanner. “The group of insubordinate France in the National Assembly is favorable” to the creation of a commission of inquiry, explained on Franceinfo Manuel Bompard, director of the campaign for Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Same reaction from PCF candidate Fabien Roussel.

“I call for calm because the images we have seen in recent days are terrible”, launched on France Inter the environmental candidate Yannick Jadot, believing that it was “a great responsibility today for Emmanuel Macron and his government. , which took a long time” to propose “a new relationship between Corsica and the French State”.

Bruno Retailleau, boss of LR senators and adviser in charge of the first 100 days of candidate Valérie Pécresse if she were elected, warned on RFI against the risk of seeing a “conflagration return”, denouncing the “fault” committed by the government who “negotiated the gun to the head”.

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