Opposition criticizes heating compromise: “Climate protection with a crowbar”

Status: 01.04.2023 2:04 p.m

The traffic light government wants to support homeowners in converting to climate-friendly heating systems. But the opposition is skeptical about the plans. It is unclear how the conversion is to be paid for – there is even talk of an “impoverishment program”.

Despite the planned exceptional and transitional regulations for the ban on installing new gas and oil heating systems from the beginning of 2024, the opposition continues to criticize the traffic light coalition’s project. The climate protection and energy policy spokesman for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag, Andreas Jung, still sees many open questions about which the federal government must create comprehensive transparency in the short term.

For example, it should be clarified whether there should actually be a ban on biomass heating for new buildings and whether heating with pellets is still possible. The CDU MP criticized that it was also unclear how the state would support investments and provide support specifically for financially weak households.

“A Big Disappointment”

Deputy CDU/CSU parliamentary group leader Ulrich Lange complained that the project would make construction massively more expensive. “With their plans for the building energy law, the traffic light hits the people in our country, but also the construction industry to the core,” said the CSU politician to the editorial network Germany. The fact that the funding announced by Economics Minister Robert Habeck remains “completely nebulous” makes things even more difficult.

The agreement was a “big disappointment” for the citizens, said the parliamentary manager of the Union parliamentary group, Thorsten Frei, of the “Rheinische Post”. It is still not clear how the conversion of the heating systems should be paid for.

CSU General Secretary Martin Huber accused the traffic light coalition of “using a crowbar to protect the climate”. “The traffic light plans are socially unfair and an irresponsible burden, especially for older homeowners,” said Huber. He attacked the Greens sharply: “Climate neutrality must not lead to poverty in old age, because green compulsion to renovate eats up old-age provision,” he explained.

“Horrendous renovation costs”

The Left East Commissioner Sören Pellmann also sharply criticized the government’s plans. “Tens of thousands of heating systems will soon have to be replaced in the east, as many systems were installed in the 1990s,” said the member of the Bundestag from Leipzig. “People despair in view of the horrendous clean-up costs that will be incurred.” Pellmann spoke of an “impoverishment program”.

He demanded that the state should not dictate the heating to the citizens, but rather make climate-friendly alternatives the cheapest. The social flanking of the heating program is still undetermined. This is “further evidence of the social coldness of traffic lights”.

Contribution to the climate goals

On Friday evening, the federal government agreed on a compromise when dealing with fossil fuel heating systems. The plan is intended to help ensure that Germany operates in a climate-neutral manner from 2045, i.e. no additional greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere.

According to information from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Building on Friday, there is now a completed draft law supported by all three parties. He should promptly go to the state and association hearing and then to the cabinet. According to this, the core principle remains that from January 1, 2024, every newly installed heating system must be operated with 65 percent renewable energies.

No commitment to heat pumps

However, there should be exceptions, transition periods and comprehensive funding. According to the information, the originally planned replacement obligation for functioning oil and gas heating systems will be waived. If old heating systems break down beyond repair after 2024, an oil or gas boiler can be installed again at short notice so that, for example, you don’t have to freeze for weeks in the event of a failure in winter.

However, this must then be supplemented with modern technology within three years in order to meet the 65 percent requirement. Classic gas and oil heating systems can only achieve this if they are operated in combination with a heat pump. However, their use is not fixed; instead, openness to technology applies. The installation of gas heaters, which can also be operated with hydrogen, should remain possible.

The 65 percent requirement also does not apply to homeowners over the age of 80 when installing new heating systems. The new law only applies if their house is inherited or sold – with a transitional period of two years. An exception to hardship should be economic efficiency if the value of the building and the investment sums are disproportionate.

Ministry of Finance: incentives instead of coercion

The FDP-led Federal Ministry of Finance praised the coalition’s internal agreement. The deliberations in the coalition have resulted in a number of improvements compared to the original plans of the Greens-led Ministry of Economic Affairs, according to the finance department: “Instead of coercion, the coalition relies on incentives”. There is now “no additional legal obligation to prematurely replace a functioning heating system”.

In addition, the intention is now to refrain from legally prescribing “a technology that is very expensive today, such as the heat pump”. The ministry emphasized that the agreement that has now been reached creates incentives for voluntary modernization of heating systems through scrapping bonuses for old systems. “Graduated according to the age of the systems, the owners can receive a subsidy in the form of a scrapping premium for new purchases,” the ministry said.

Lang: Cushion social hardship

The Green co-chairman Ricarda Lang spoke of a “breakthrough in the heat transition”. “After the turbocharged renewables and the end of the fossil fuel burner, the traffic light paves the way to climate neutrality in another sector.” It is good that the law is now being passed quickly so that manufacturers and consumers can plan with certainty.

“It is important that we cushion social hardship and thus really support people along the way. Together we can create a secure, affordable and sustainable heat supply,” said Lang.

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