Operation in Afghanistan: Thanks to the Bundeswehr


Status: 27.08.2021 02:18 a.m.

The German bureaucracy blockade has unnecessarily endangered the lives of people in Afghanistan. This complete failure must have consequences. The Bundeswehr took the coal out of the fire for the federal government.

A comment by Uli Hauck, SR

The rescue operation in Kabul was the most difficult and dangerous evacuation mission in the history of the Bundeswehr. It passed it: 200 men and women, together with federal police officers and embassy staff, risked their lives for days in Kabul in order to save as many lives as possible from the Taliban.

The dangerous operation became necessary because the federal government made many misjudgments in the past few months and, above all, failed to act. The German bureaucracy blockade has unnecessarily endangered lives and could cost Afghan human lives in the future.

That is the scandal about Germany’s departure from Afghanistan. Instead of evacuating in good time since spring, as the French have done, for example, the Foreign, Defense and Interior Ministries have blocked each other for weeks. A complete failure of the federal government that must have consequences.

20 years of war effort wiped out within days

In the past ten days, soldiers – at risk of death – had to pay for what the federal government had failed to do in recent months. Soldiers had to watch how 20 years of war effort with 59 dead German soldiers was destroyed within days. With that mortgage in mind, the women and men in Kabul saved lives. Even if there was at least one tragic case in which a local officer was turned away by Bundeswehr soldiers, the soldiers – according to all that is known so far – acted extremely professionally.

The Special Forces Command, scolded after right-wing extremist scandals, has shown why it exists. The special unit brought people to the safe airport. The Bundeswehr took the coal out of the fire for the federal government. Did what was possible in an extreme situation. For this she deserves – the often refused – respect. Thanks and appreciation.

The federal government is more fortunate than sensible that German body bags are not paving their way. It is high time we voted – and the Merkel era comes to an end.

Editorial note

Comments generally reflect the opinion of the respective author and not that of the editors.

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