Open-air concert in Munich: rain and party at Helene Fischer’s mega concert

Open air concert in Munich
Rain and party at Helene Fischer’s mega concert

They stayed in the rain for hours: Helene Fischer’s fans didn’t want to miss their comeback. photo

© Felix Hörhager/dpa

She’s back: Megastar Helene Fischer is back with a big show in Munich after a long break. More than 100,000 fans watched the 38-year-old – and that in the pouring rain.

Schlagerqueen Helene Fischer has returned to the stage with a huge show. 130,000 fans cheered the 38-year-old on Saturday evening in Munich.

It was the singer’s only concert this year and, according to the organizer, the largest concert by a solo artist that has ever existed in Germany. It was also Fischer’s first live performance in front of a large audience after a long break and the birth of her child.

With songs like “Exactly this feeling” and “Love is a dance”, Helene Fischer warmed up her fans and thanked them for their perseverance. The listeners had waited for hours in the pouring rain on the exhibition grounds. When her star finally showed up, fans partyed in plastic ponchos and soaking wet shoes.

From her new album “Rausch” the singer performed “Vamos A Marte”, the ballad “Hand in Hand” and the party song “Null auf 100”. Of course, her most well-known hit “Atemlos durch die Nacht” was not missing either.

After the long Corona break, she wanted to celebrate life again and present her album, said Fischer. This is associated with many emotions, also in view of their new situation. Because: “I’ve become a mom.” She is all the more worried about the future. All of them wanted nothing but justice, love and peace, she emphasized. In 2023 she is planning a big tour.


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