Onset of winter: numerous traffic accidents on slippery roads

Onset of winter
Numerous traffic accidents on slippery roads

Just in time for the first Advent, it has become wintry in Germany. Photo: Matthias Bein / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Just in time for the first Advent, winter shows its face. Snowfall ensures smooth roads in many places. During the night there were accidents in several federal states.

Winter road conditions led to accidents with several injuries in several federal states on Sunday night.

In Baden-Wuerttemberg and Hesse there was a crash on the late Saturday evening and early Sunday morning, according to the local police headquarters, due to the slippery road. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, two women were seriously injured in an accident on the snow-covered A20 on Saturday evening. Accordingly, the driver lost control of her car. The German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach continued to warn of slippery areas due to freezing wetness or snow showers.

Five centimeters of fresh snow

In the Alps and in the south-east, in particular, there is slippery snow in places. The DWD expects up to five centimeters of fresh snow there. In the Berchtesgaden Alps, it can be up to ten centimeters.

In Heilbronn in Baden-Württemberg, a driver came off the road with his car on Saturday evening due to excessive speed and crashed into a traffic light. The 34-year-old was rushed to hospital with serious injuries. On the night of Sunday there were a few more weather-related accidents in Heilbronn, as a police spokesman said. Except for one scooter driver, however, no other people were injured. It remained with sheet metal damage.

In Hesse, too, vehicles began to slide or skid due to freezing moisture. No people were injured here either.


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