Only one Hoshi cyberstalker soon to be tried, the singer confides in her disappointment

“I, who love my country so much, have just lost faith in its justice. The singer Hoshi did not mince her words in a post published on her social networks, in which she announced that a user who cyberharassed her would soon be tried in Paris. Only one. The artist, who claims to have been the target of “thousands of messages” online, said he was disappointed on Thursday to see only one person appear in court, as his lawyer had advised.

The Paris prosecutor’s office clarified that other people, minors, were identified during the investigations launched after the 26-year-old artist had filed a complaint in 2020 for moral harassment “in a pack”, “death threats and rape », Aggravated insults and incitement to hatred. Depending on where these teenagers live, it will be up to local prosecutors to decide whether or not to prosecute them.

Fear of going on stage

In online hate files where thousands of messages are sent, investigators are dependent on the Internet operators from whom they request the lifting of anonymity, and are obliged to select the most threatening messages or repeated messages sent by a same person for example. “Save us while there’s still time, don’t wait for things to end badly before taking an interest in the files. Justice surely lacks the means but I have the impression that the State is letting it die, ”implores the singer. She also confides that she “was afraid every time” that she “went on stage”, afraid of “being attacked”.

His troubles begin on February 14, 2020. Nominated in the “stage revelation” category at the Victoires de la Musique, Hoshi kisses a dancer on stage after performing his title “Amour censure”, which denounces homophobia. This militant act therefore places the artist at the center of violent homophobic attacks on social networks, denounced at the time by the Secretary of State for Digital, Cédric O, and the associations Stop Homophobia or Urgence Homophobia. The singer then filed a complaint.

In addition, in 2021, Fabien Lecoeuvre, music columnist and artist agent, attacked his physique on a web radio. Hoshi had received the support of the singer Grand Corps Malade, who had dedicated a song to him, “Des gens beaux”.

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