Online banking: Police warn of new scams with push TAN

online banking
Police warn of new scam with push TAN

Fraudsters are increasingly trying to gain access to bank accounts online. (Archive image) photo

© Jens Kalaene/dpa

Criminals are trying to gain access to online accounts with a new scam. The police have issued a warning – because the number of victims has increased.

Police have warned of a recent online banking scam. The police in Düsseldorf announced on Friday that more and more victims had recently reported the crime. It is a variant of the so-called smishing – in which cyber criminals steal confidential access data with the help of SMS.

With the new scam, the victims received an SMS that allegedly came from their bank or savings bank. Anyone who clicks on the embedded link is redirected to the deceptively realistically designed fake portals of the financial institutions to activate a new push TAN procedure and is asked to enter their bank details.

This allows the perpetrators to access the account unnoticed. A couple from Goch in the Lower Rhine region had a five-digit sum deducted from their account in this way. The police warned: “Do not open a link to a bank page that is offered via email, WhatsApp or SMS!”


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