Ongoing research in the footsteps of Sylvain L.

He still could not be heard. In a very worrying state after a double suicide attempt, the man suspected of being involved in the disappearance of Héléna Cluyou is still hospitalized. According to The Parisian, Sylvain L. would now be in a “stable” state but his vital prognosis is still engaged. Before attempting to end his life, this 36-year-old from Brest had made strange confessions to his relatives, explaining “having done something stupid with a girl” specifying that it was “an accident”. His brother and his sister-in-law had quickly made the connection with the disappearance of Héléna Cluyou, in Brest.

This 20-year-old student nurse has not given any sign of life since Sunday January 29 and an evening spent at the One Club discotheque, on the port of the Château. A disappearance considered very worrying by the investigators, who are currently carrying out intense research in the town of Rosnoën, between Brest and the Crozon peninsula. According to The Telegram, teams on foot are mobilized and a drone is used. According to our information, the searches have so far yielded nothing.

The dogs had lost track

According to The Parisian, it is the geolocation of the telephone of the main suspect which prompted the investigators to go to this vast wild area which shelters some swamps. The cook who worked at the restaurant La Base, on the port, would have gone to this area after the disappearance of the young nursing student. On the CCTV images, investigators from the Brest judicial police had identified the silhouette of the young woman who was walking in the Recouvrance district towards her grandmother’s home where she was to sleep. The tracking dogs had also sniffed her out but had suddenly lost track of her not far from there.

The hypothesis of a car accident has been issued. But it could also be that the young woman, who was not heavily alcoholic, got into a vehicle. Sylvain L.’s car was found charred a few days after the disappearance. As for the cook, he worked right next to the nightclub where the young woman spent her evening. A reputed party animal, he was not at the One Club that night. Since January 29, Héléna Cluyou has not given any sign of life.

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