One year in prison for raping his quadriplegic companion every day for six years

He put his severely handicapped companion through hell for several years. A 53-year-old man was tried on Monday before the Rennes criminal court for repeated sexual assaults on the mother of his children, a quadriplegic. He was accused of having raped his spouse daily for six years between 2013 and 2019 at their home in Plélan-le-Grand, on the border of Ille-et-Vilaine and Morbihan, reports France 3 Brittany.

Moving in a wheelchair inside and on crutches outside, the victim had also denounced sexual abuse. Drunk every day, his companion sometimes asked him to get naked in front of the children. The insults were also regular on the part of the accused. He was sentenced to four years in prison, including one year. He will also be registered in the judicial file of perpetrators of sexual offenses and is prohibited from contacting his ex-spouse.

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