One more victory, one less joker for OL

Author of the fifth goal, Slimani rejoices. His team can always dream of qualifying for the Champions League. – AFP

  • There is only one game left for the Lyonnais to hope to jump Monaco on the edge and grab third place.
  • His fate in the Cup with ear guards depends above all on Lens, in search of a European qualification, but in the hard for three games.
  • If he did not manage to qualify, OL would be absent for the second consecutive year from the most prestigious of European cups. And that would be a first since 1999.

OL did the job. And pretty good. A 5-2 success in Nîmes which puts an end to the hopes of keeping the Gardois. And which allows him to maintain the hope of a qualification in the Champions League. The situation is therefore strictly the same as before his trip to Costières, except that he only has one game left to hope to jump Monaco on the edge and grab third place.

The accounts are quickly made for Rudi Garcia, the coach of OL. “Everything will be played on the last game. It’s up to us to beat Nice and then we’ll see if Lens is capable of beating Monaco at home ”. The Lyonnais are in the uncomfortable position of leaving a good part of their future in the feet of their opponents.

Forced to entrust their destiny to the Lensois

The situation is uncomfortable. OL will have to be just as serious in the face of demobilized Niçois as they were in the Gard. But that will not be enough. His destiny in the Cup with ear guards depends above all on Lens, in search of a European qualification, but in the hard for three games. And of course Monaco, still solid but less dashing since its defeat in the Rhône.

The principality’s team will have to manage both the final of the Coupe de France against Paris in midweek and that for the qualification in the Champions League on Sunday. “We want to be the only team currently in the first four places to have taken nine points in the last three games of this championship,” anticipates Rudi Garcia.

Avoid a first since 1999

This would mean that Monaco would have been hooked in Lens while OL would have pushed Nice out of their way. While he also officially gave up any hope of coronation on Sunday with the draw from Lille, this double duel is double or quits. If he did not succeed, Lyon would be absent for the second year in a row from the most prestigious of European cups. And that would be a first since 1999 …

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