One in three SME bosses plans a general wage hike in 2022

Good news for employees. According to a survey published on Tuesday by the Confederation of SMEs (CPME), one in three VSE or SME managers (34%) are considering “a general increase in wages” in their company at the start of 2022, 36% do not foresee it and the others have not yet made their decision.

According to a questionnaire to which more than 1,000 members of the employers’ organization responded from November 18 to 30, 58% of small employers fear that a competing company will debauch their employees. To avoid departures, measures have already been taken by two out of three VSEs / SMEs.

Improvement of working conditions

In half of the cases, these measures relate to improving working conditions (teleworking, working hours, etc.). In almost one in three cases (31%), employers offer wage increases to those who could leave and in nearly one in four companies they are implementing new measures such as profit sharing or savings. salary.

In six out of ten cases, the increases in remuneration will be made by cutting back on the company’s margins and in four out of ten cases by increasing the selling prices, again according to the responses of the bosses of SMEs and VSEs to this internal survey, including results have been adjusted to correct an over-representation of the accommodation and catering sector and an under-representation of the industry and construction.

Towards an extension of the reimbursement of EMPs?

Moreover, despite government aid, four out of ten SMEs / VSEs “have observed a deterioration in their financial situation since the start of the health crisis” and “29% of companies having resorted to a loan guaranteed by the State (PGE) estimate not having the capacity to reimburse it under current conditions ”.

What makes CPME say that its request for an extension of the repayment period of these loans, currently six years at most, is “more topical than ever”.

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