One dead in forest fires ravaging the center of the country

He wanted to save his animals from the flames and will not have survived. A man was found dead in the forest fires in the Boeotia region of central Greece on Monday. “An old shepherd ran to his sheepfold to save his animals and was found dead, probably intoxicated by the smoke” from the fire, a fire department spokesman told AFP.

A major forest fire broke out on Monday in this region of northern Attica, 100 km north of Athens, according to the emergency services. An evacuation notice has been issued for tourists who were on a nearby beach. Some 56 firefighters assisted by four planes intervene on the spot. Another fire broke out on the island of Eviam where 42 firefighters and four planes are battling the flames.

“Extreme” risk in the Athens region

Civil protection authorities warned on Monday of an “extreme” fire risk in the region of the capital, Athens, and other parts of southern Greece. Very hot and dry conditions, which increase the risk of fires, will persist in Greece until Friday.

Fires continue to rage in northeastern Greece near the port city of Alexandroupolis. Seven firefighters and one volunteer were hospitalized with injuries. A dozen settlements were evacuated over the weekend and civil protection authorities urged residents to stay indoors due to the smoke. The area has been declared a state of emergency.

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