On TikTok, a short film wants to dismantle the negative clichés about Roubaix

Dismantle the cliches. To say that all is well in Roubaix would be lying. There are incivilities, drug trafficking, assaults, thefts, murders. Even its mayor, Guillaume Delbar, is implicated in cases. But to sum up the city in this way would be no less caricatural. Because in Roubaix, like everywhere else, if there is less good, there are also a lot of positive things. This is what the social media agency OP1C wanted to highlight in a 3-minute short film broadcast on TikTok, in the running for the #TiktokShortFilm.

The tragedy of Roubaix is ​​that it is often confined to negative clichés conveyed in sensational reports and by certain political figures. During the electoral campaign, ahead of the first round of the presidential election, several candidates mentioned Roubaix to illustrate their measures to fight against Islamism, in particular Valérie Pécresse (LR) or Eric Zemmour. The latter even assured that “Roubaix is ​​Afghanistan 2 hours from Paris”. If their scores in the first round show that their arguments did not hit the mark with voters, the OP1C film wants to go even further by delivering “a real ode to what this city is also”.

Over 60,000 views

“A piano tune that takes us, between two street art illustrations and a few dance steps, to some of the most beautiful and unusual places in Roubaix”, describes the agency whose short film, published on TikTok, has already accumulated more than 60,000 views. This poetic walk in Roubaix is ​​therefore in the running for the TikTok Short Film, an international competition for short films published only on this social network. The award ceremony will take place on May 22, during the Cannes Film Festival, partner of the event.

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