On the A92 at Munich Airport: Five cars crash into each other – Freising

A 45-year-old driver from Munich first caused real chaos on Friday afternoon with an abrupt emergency stop on the A92 near Munich Airport and then made off. However, she didn’t get far.

The woman had been traveling in her minibus on the A 92 in the direction of Deggendorf around 3 p.m. and, according to several witnesses, had probably missed the desired exit at the height of the Munich-Airport motorway triangle. She braked almost to a standstill in the left lane and then pulled over two lanes and a restricted area to the right to continue her journey towards the airport, according to the police report. Due to the abrupt braking manoeuvre, four drivers, who were also driving behind her in the left lane, were no longer able to brake in time and crashed into another car, which had just been able to stop in time.

According to the police report, the 45-year-old drove towards the airport after her braking maneuver without worrying about the damage caused. However, the escape did not last long: A quickly initiated search with several patrol crews from the Freising traffic police found the woman’s car a short time later in the area of ​​Munich Airport, and the driver was identified. A preliminary investigation into a traffic accident escape was initiated against her.

Due to the rescue work, during which the left lane was closed for about two hours, there were major delays on the A 92 in rush-hour traffic. No one was injured, but all of the vehicles involved in the accident had to be towed away. The resulting damage amounts to around 50,000 euros. The Freising traffic police are still looking for possible witnesses who observed the accident and can provide information on how it happened (08161/9520).

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