On strike, the clerks assure that “the ministry remains deaf” to their demands

The unions of clerks again emerged disappointed Tuesday from a meeting at the Chancellery, the day after a national strike to express their “anger” at their working conditions and their remuneration.

“The ministry remains deaf to the legitimate demands of the registry staff who are only asking for fair recognition, and draws no conclusions from yesterday’s massive mobilization”, write in a joint press release the representative trade union organizations (Unsa Judicial Services, CGT of the chancelleries and judicial services and CFDT-Interco Justice – the SDGF-FO having dissociated itself).

Spontaneous mobilization

This mobilization began two weeks ago spontaneously, outside the unions, caused by a project for a new index grid which will disadvantage the clerks, they believe.

On Monday, in a rare call for a national strike, hundreds gathered in front of many courts in France, brandishing signs “Faced with contempt, anger”, “Injustice in justice” or “the slap of too much “.

According to figures communicated to the unions by the Chancellery, 40% of the 11,000 clerks were on strike on Monday. The strike was renewed on Tuesday in certain jurisdictions, such as in Paris where the clerks shouted their “anger” in the judicial court. The hearings were disrupted there, only six clerks out of 60 in corrections not being on strike, according to these strikers. A continuation of the movement is planned for Wednesday in several jurisdictions, in particular in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Montpellier, Rennes, Limoges…

Dupond-Moretti evokes promises for “this fall”

Questioned on the subject in session at the National Assembly, the Keeper of the Seals Éric Dupond-Moretti recalled that the clerks “have been increased by 12%” since his arrival at Place Vendôme – a calculation disputed by the strikers – and returned to a “dedicated calendar” in the fall.

“I understand their legitimate impatience” but “it’s a multiple job, interdepartmental, and with the various trade union organizations. I think this fall we can come up with finalized things,” he said. “The court clerks who run the justice system in our country on a daily basis will not be forgotten,” he promised.

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