Omikron variant in Germany? “High degree of suspicion” in Hesse

Hessian Minister
Omikron variant “with very high probability” arrived in Germany

Hessen, Darmstadt: The Hessian Minister of Social Affairs Kai Klose (Greens)

© Frank Rumpenhorst / DPA

The Omikron variant has already arrived in Europe, with “very high probability” also in Germany – says Hesse’s Minister of Social Affairs. There is a “high level of suspicion” for a rice returner from South Africa.

According to the Hessian Minister of Social Affairs, Kai Klose, the new Omikron variant of the coronavirus has “very likely” arrived in Germany. The Green politician announced this on Saturday morning on Twitter.

Several mutations typical of Omikron were found in a person returning from South Africa. “So there is a high level of suspicion that the person was isolated at home. The complete sequencing is still pending at the moment,” tweeted the minister responsible for health in Hesse. According to the Ministry in Wiesbaden, the person entered via Frankfurt Airport.

WHO: Omicron variant “worrying” – risk of vaccination protection?

The omicron variant (B.1.1.529), which was first detected in southern Africa, was classified as “worrying” by the World Health Organization (WHO). The EU health authority ECDC speaks of serious concerns that the variant could significantly reduce the effectiveness of the corona vaccines and increase the risk of reinfections. The exact effects of the new variant have not yet been determined. According to the WHO, it may take weeks until there is clarity.

Omikron could be even more contagious than the currently rampant Delta variant because of an unusually high number of mutations. Numerous countries, including Germany and other EU member states, have already stopped air traffic with South Africa and other countries in the region.


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