Omikron reaches Germany – incidence at a new record level

Fourth corona wave
Omikron arrives in Germany – incidence at a new record level

South Africa, Cape Town: At Cape Town Airport, travelers queue in long lines at the few counters that are still open. Left in the picture is a Lufthansa counter. Due to the spread of the new Omikron coronavirus variant in southern Africa, the federal government is drastically restricting entry from a total of eight countries in the region.

© Kristin Palitza / DPA

The corona incidence has reached a new high in Germany. In addition, the spread of the new Omikron variant is ringing alarm bells in many places. Two cases have already been confirmed in Munich.

The nationwide seven-day incidence of new corona infections has again reached a new high: According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Sunday morning, the value increased to 446.7. On Saturday it was 444.3, on Sunday last week it was 372.7.

The seven-day incidence indicates the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week. On November 8, the value in Germany exceeded the threshold of 200 for the first time and thus the previous high since the start of the pandemic in December 2020 (197.6). Since then, new highs have been recorded every day.

According to the RKI, 44,401 new infections with the corona virus were recorded nationwide within 24 hours. The highest number of 76,414 new cases was registered on Friday. According to the RKI, the death toll from the pandemic in Germany rose by 104 to 100,883 cases. Last Thursday, the number of corona deaths in Germany exceeded the threshold of 100,000.

Omikron reaches Germany

The omicron variant of the corona virus discovered in southern Africa has meanwhile reached Germany. According to the Max von Pettenkofer Institute, the variant classified as worrying was detected in Munich in two travelers who had arrived on a flight from South Africa on November 24th. The authorities in Hessen are investigating the case of another returnees from South Africa who, according to the Ministry of Social Affairs, are “highly suspected”.

According to the virologist Oliver Keppler, genome sequencing is still pending in the two cases in Munich. But it was “unequivocally proven that it is this variant,” said the head of the Max von Pettenkofer Institute on request. The combination of a mutation-specific PCR test and travel history leaves no room for doubt.

The two travelers arrived on November 24 on a flight from South Africa, said Bavaria’s Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU). Those affected had arranged an investigation for the virus variant themselves after learning of the danger from the media.

All travelers from South Africa should report to the health department

The Bavarian Ministry of Health appealed to all passengers who came from South Africa on the same flight to report to their responsible health department immediately. All people who have traveled from South Africa in the past 14 days should immediately reduce their contacts, take a PCR test with details of their travel history and contact the health department immediately.

Hesse’s Minister of Social Affairs, Kai Klose (Greens), announced another suspected case on Saturday. In the case of a returnee from South Africa, several mutations typical for this variant were found. The fully vaccinated person reportedly entered Frankfurt Airport on November 21 and developed symptoms over the course of the week. In this case, an exact result is expected on Monday.

The passengers who landed in another plane from South Africa in Munich on Friday evening are a special case. It was the last scheduled flight that arrived in Munich before the new regulations came into force. Bavaria’s Ministry of Health ordered strict test and quarantine regulations. The PCR tests were positive in two passengers. It was initially unclear whether they also carry the new variant of the Omicron virus. There were around 300 passengers on board.

Omicron variant spreads quickly

The virus variant is apparently spreading rapidly, and cases have now been reported from many countries, including Great Britain, Belgium, the Czech Republic and Italy. Israel therefore closes its borders to foreigners. One Omicron case is currently confirmed and seven are being investigated. In Great Britain, where two cases are known, all arrivals must now take a PCR test on the second day after entering the country and go into quarantine until a negative result is obtained, according to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Federal government drastically restricts travel

The federal government is drastically restricting entry from eight countries in southern Africa due to concerns about further spread. South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique, Eswatini, Malawi and Lesotho have been classified as virus variant areas since midnight. Airlines are now essentially only allowed to carry German citizens or people living in Germany from there to Germany. A two-week quarantine obligation applies to those entering the country – including those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered. It cannot be shortened by negative tests either.

The World Health Organization (WHO) classified variant B.1.1.529 as “worrying” on Friday. The EU health authority ECDC speaks of serious concerns that the variant could significantly reduce the effectiveness of the corona vaccines and increase the risk of reinfections. The exact effects of the variant are still open.


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