Omicron overwhelms Spain, Biden very firm on vaccines and SNCF condemned

Did you miss the news from the start of the morning? We have concocted a recap to help you see more clearly.

The fifth wave of coronavirus spares no European country. Spain is thus, too, overwhelmed by the Covid-19. The country on Tuesday recorded a national record of 49,823 new cases in 24 hours. The previous highest was nearly 40,000 cases in mid-January, in one of the countries most affected by the first wave. Importantly, the Omicron variant accounted for 47.2% of new cases diagnosed between December 6 and December 12. To respond to this crisis, the government will hold an extraordinary meeting this Wednesday with the presidents of regions, competent in health. Catalonia for its part already announced Tuesday that it will ask the courts for authorization to apply new restrictions, including a curfew and the closure of nightclubs.

Joe Biden is annoyed and, to make it clear, the American president has decided to bang his fist on the table. As the United States has passed the bar of 150,000 new cases of Covid-19 and 1,000 daily deaths, Joe Biden recalled Tuesday, in a speech, that “almost all the people who have died these last months were not vaccinated ”. For the tenant of the White House, to be vaccinated, with a third booster dose, is therefore “a patriotic duty”.

SNCF will have to pay. The company was ordered last week by the Paris Court of Appeal to compensate 119 former railway workers for prejudice of anxiety, after exposure to asbestos in their workplace, we learned Tuesday from their attorney. The court therefore obliges the SNCF to pay a total of more than one million euros – 10,000 euros in damages “in compensation for the prejudice of anxiety” to each of these 119 former employees – “all retirees now”, a clarified Me Xavier Robin, confirming information from the Norman media Octopus and the SUD-Rail union. When asked, the company replied that it would not make “any comment on this subject.”

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