Olympics, Notre-Dame, Europeans… France at the center of the game in 2024

Olympic Games, 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings, reopening of Notre-Dame: 2024 will be punctuated by emblematic meetings for France and President Emmanuel Macron, who intends to make it a turning point in his five-year term.

Manouchian at the Pantheon

Missak Manouchian, of Armenian origin, will be the first foreign and communist resistance fighter to enter the Pantheon on February 21, eighty years after his execution by the Germans in 1944. Emmanuel Macron, who also intends to pay tribute, through him, to all his foreign comrades in arms, Spaniards, Italians or Jews from Central Europe, will thus sign the first major memorial act of the year 2024.

80th anniversary of the Landing

The Head of State will chair a major commemorative ceremony on June 6, in the presence of foreign counterparts, in Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer (Omaha Beach). The event will take on a particular resonance, two years after the return of war to Europe with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

European elections

The issue promises to be complicated for the presidential camp, credited with ten points less than the National Rally (RN) of Jordan Bardella in voting intentions.

On June 9, too big a difference in votes would constitute a disavowal for Emmanuel Macron, champion of Europe and who has always posed as a bulwark against the RN and its candidate in the last two presidential elections, Marine Le Pen.

The Olympic and Paralympic Games

Followed by more than four billion viewers, the Summer Olympic Games are among the most popular events in the world. An exceptional platform for the host country, which hopes to refine its international image by establishing itself for two weeks (July 26-August 11 and from August 28-September 8 for the Paralympics) as the world capital of sport.

The summit of the Francophonie

The 19th Francophonie summit will open on October 4 at the Château de Villers-Cotterêts, 80 km from Paris, which now houses the Cité internationale de la langue française. It will continue in Paris on October 5.

Reopening of Notre-Dame

Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral is photographed after the installation of a huge oak frame, Tuesday July 11, 2023 in Paris. – CHRISTOPHE ENA/AP/SIPA

On December 8, Emmanuel Macron hopes for the presence of Pope Francis for this highly symbolic moment, five years after the fire which ravaged the cathedral and its famous spire enthroned in the sky of Paris.

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