Olympic organizers are feeling “tremendous pressure” from the Omikron variant

Winter Games in February
China’s Olympic organizers are feeling “tremendous pressure” from the Omikron variant

The Winter Olympics will be held from February 4th to 20th in Beijing and the surrounding hills of Yanqing and Zhangjiakou.

© Zhang Chenlin / DPA

The Corona variant Omikron is having an increasing impact on the Olympic planning. Covid cases are increasing, sports stars cancel and competitions are likely to be held in front of empty stands. There is criticism, but Beijing wants to stick to its zero-Covid policy.

In six weeks the Olympic rings will ignite over Beijing and the traditional Winter Games will start a new round. Instead of anticipation, however, a tremendous displeasure has spread among the organizers in the past few weeks. The pandemic confronts the committee, in its own words, with “tremendous pressures and challenges”. The spread of the new virus variant Omikron brings “great uncertainty for the global Covid situation,” said Han Zirong, Vice President of the Organizing Committee, to the press in Beijing on Thursday.

It is highly likely that “a certain number of cases” will occur during the Games, given that there are so many participants from all over the world and from China, Han Zirong said. The requirements of the Chinese authorities for the prevention of Covid-19 must be “vigorously implemented” in order to protect the safety of the Olympic participants and the Chinese public.

Zero covid policy could lead to lockdowns

Their appeal came shortly after a lockdown was imposed on a metropolis of millions in China after a long time. As part of their strict zero-Covid policy, the authorities issued massive curfews for the 13 million residents of Xi’an (Shaanxi Province). They have not been allowed to leave their apartments since midnight – with a few exceptions. A family member is allowed to go shopping every other day. 63 infections were reported on Thursday. The outbreak was due to “imported cases”, it said.

China is pursuing a “dynamic zero-covid strategy,” emphasized Han Zirong, who is also the general secretary of the organizing committee. Whether new measures have to be taken before or during the games from February 4th to 20th, depends on the change in the situation worldwide and in China – especially on the contagion and harmfulness of the Omikron variant. “We are paying close attention to the changes in the pandemic,” said Han Zirong. “Only by remaining flexible can we cope with the risks and challenges that the corona pandemic brings us.”

Games without spectators – plans still unknown

Strict precautionary measures are already being taken for the games, which take place in Beijing as well as in Yanqing and Zhangjiakou in the hilly landscape outside the gates of the capital. All Olympic participants can only move in “closed circuits”, have to undergo daily tests and are immediately isolated in the event of an infection. Foreign viewers are also not allowed. According to Han Zirong, there is still further research into whether and under what circumstances a domestic audience can participate. The plans would be announced “in good time”.

The Organizing Committee’s epidemic control office vice director Huang Chun regretted the cancellation of the US ice hockey professionals. In view of the corona problems in US sports, increasing infections and game cancellations, the North American professional league NHL decided the day before not to send its best players to China after all. This means that the greatest attraction of the Winter Games is falling victim to the pandemic.

Committee wants to adhere to strict measures

Huang Chun defended the planned strict measures such as isolation, quarantine and prolonged hospital stays for symptoms, which were one of the reasons for the professionals’ rejection. He also rejected changes. “We believe that these preventive and control measures will definitely reduce the risk of the virus spreading.” The safety of the athletes and other participants, the entire event and the Chinese population must also be ensured.

With strict measures such as curfews, mass tests, forced quarantine, contact tracing and extensive travel and entry restrictions, China has largely got the virus under control. For more than a year, the pandemic situation in the most populous country in the world has been much better than in many other nations. Daily life and the economy have long since normalized. But the more contagious Delta variant has caused several outbreaks – and now those responsible fear the Omikron variant, which is spreading even faster.


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