Olympic champion Océane Sercien-Ugolin victim of discomfort in the middle of a match

French Olympic champion Océane Sercien-Ugolin suffered from discomfort following the defeat of her club, Krim de Ljubljana, against Metz (29-28) in the Champions League on Sunday in Slovenia. “After the match, the French international Océane Sercien-Ugolin was transported by ambulance to the university hospital center. More information will be given shortly, ”said the Slovenian club on its website in its report of the meeting.

Her teammate wants to be reassuring

In the wake of the victorious goal scored by the Danish back of the Dragonnes Messines, Louise Burgaard, Océane Sercien-Ugolin had remained on the ground for a long time at the end of the match and the Krim medical staff came to her side. The players of both teams, worried faces, then formed a circle around the 23-year-old full-back, trained at Issy Paris Hand and Olympic gold medalist in Tokyo this summer.

Her teammate, who plays alongside her in a club as well as in the French team ,. Allison Pineau gave her news on Instagram in the evening: “(I want to) just tell you all that Océane is better, that she is conscious, nothing serious!”, Before adding that “additional examinations will be carried out, it is in good hands “.

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