Olympia: Positive doping test for figure skating star Valiewa (video)

Watch the video: Olympia – positive doping test for figure skating star Valiewa.

A prominent doping case causes unrest at the Beijing Winter Olympics. It is about the only 15-year-old Russian Kamila Valiewa. Doping investigators had already tested positive for the heart drug trimetazidine before the Olympic Games at the end of December. The information was confirmed by the International Test Agency ITA on Friday morning, which works on behalf of the International Olympic Committee. Now, however, the International Court of Arbitration for Sport Cas has to decide in an urgent procedure whether the athlete may take part in the individual competition. The positive result of the sample was forwarded by the laboratory one day after the team competition. There the figure skater, who was still a minor, had won first place with her team. However, the awarding of the medals has been postponed for the time being. IOC spokesman Mark Adams declined to comment on the case on Friday because the case is pending. However, he emphasized that the IOC would follow all doping cases to the end. The Russian team starts in Beijing under the name of the Russian Olympic Committee. Because of a massive doping scandal surrounding the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi, Russia was banned. Therefore, the Russian flag and the national anthem are banned at the Olympic Games in Beijing.

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