Olympia 1972 in Munich: mockery and games – Munich

50 years ago the first journalists moved into the Olympic press city. But some do not describe the city as cheerful and full of life as the Olympic organizers had hoped, but only have ridicule for Munich.


Wolfgang Gorl

On August 1, 1972, around three and a half weeks before the start of the Summer Olympics, strangers appeared in Moosach, west of Landshuter Allee, packed with suitcases, shoulder bags and some with cameras. It’s journalists, the first 60, to move to the Olympic press city. Thousands of their colleagues will follow in the next few days. You settle into the newly built terraced houses, the apartment blocks or the 22-story high-rise, constructed in prefabricated form from solid concrete. What else you need in terms of necessary or superfluous things in life, you will find next door in the already opened Olympia shopping center.

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