Olivier Véran responds to Pierre Rosanvallon on the “democratic crisis”

POLITICS – He does not share ” no way “ the finding. During the report of the Council of Ministers this Wednesday, April 19, Olivier Véran was questioned about the remarkable intervention of Pierre Rosanvallon in the program Daily on TMC.

On the evening of Emmanuel Macron’s speech after the promulgation of the pension reform, the historian and sociologist, known for his moderate positions, declared: ” We are going through, since the end of the Algerian conflict, the most serious democratic crisis that France has known. »

I do not at all share the observation of a democratic crisis “, therefore replied this Wednesday the spokesman of the government, as you can see in our video at the top of the article, arguing that ” our institutions have functioned to the full. »

According to him, France would rather live a “ crisis of confidence “: ” in institutions, in political representation, which does not go back to the pension reform, far from it” he detailed. Olivier Véran then assured that the government “means this desire for the French to be fully useful citing the example of the citizens’ convention on the end of life bringing together 184 citizens to decide on euthanasia.

” The trials of life “

If Olivier Véran does not share the observation of the historian, that did not prevent him from quoting him to support his point: “In addition, Pierre Rosanvallon also describes in one of his books “the trials of life”, which can also create mistrust in institutions. » These tests are the difficult end of the month, the difficulties in accessing the emergency room, it is when your child does not have a teacher (sic) when he goes to class “, he listed.

They will also be the main axes that the government wants “fight” : “This is the whole meaning of the 100-day program given by the President of the Republic” concluded Olivier Véran. During his speech, Emmanuel Macron announced to give the executive 100 days to launch the three projects after the pension reform.

See also on The HuffPost:

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