Olivier Veran does not rule out the possibility of a return of the mask in the event of a new variant

When there’s more, there’s more. guest of BFMTV-RMCthe Minister of Health, Olivier Veran reassured that the epidemic situation, while mentioning the possible appearance of new variants from Omicron.

Lifting of the mask this Monday

Since the suspension of the vaccine pass on March 16, the mask was only compulsory in public transport. This last bastion of Covid-19 will fall. “From Monday May 16, the mask will no longer be compulsory in all public transport”, declared Olivier Véran at the exit of the Council of Ministers. Are concerned in particular the subway, the bus, the train, the plane and the taxis, specifies its office.

At the microphone of our colleagues from BFMTV-RMC this Thursday, Olivier Véran justified this approach, despite the 40,000 new cases detected daily.

“The situation is under control. We know the risks, we are collectively protected against this wave of Omicron variant that we have faced with a minimum of health damage, ”he assured. “We put braking measures when necessary, and we gradually raise them as the contamination decreases”.

The Minister of Health, however, clarified that the mask remained “recommended”, “for all people who consider themselves threatened by the virus” and did not exclude the possibility of having to wear it again in the event of a new epidemic peak. or again varying in the fall.

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