Olivier Véran confirms the funding by the State of new places of care

The capital has been experiencing a real health and social crisis linked to crack for many months. To remedy this, stops, the famous “shooting rooms”, have been opened, but the images of evacuation, against a background of tensions between consumers and residents, continue to multiply.

To support the authorities’ fight against this scourge, the Minister of Solidarity and Health, Olivier Véran, said Wednesday, September 29, at the microphone of France Inter that the government will financially support new “care / addiction stops” . He also confirmed to make available “health and medico-social teams to wean consumers who are now on the street”.

Not “15 meters from a crèche”

These new consumption rooms should be created in Paris, in agreement with Anne Hidalgo who is currently working there, and under the supervision of the Prime Minister. Jean Castex, “extremely involved”, has already validated three of the four proposals made by the City of Paris. The Minister of Health has nevertheless specified that these proposals will have to respect a certain coherence, that is to say that the places must not be located “15 meters from a nursery or a kindergarten” and that ‘they should make it possible to deploy the structure “in conjunction with the care providers”.

The State and the City of Paris should meet this Thursday, September 30 to discuss these shooting rooms.

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