Olivier Véran calls on caregivers to help hospitals in Martinique and Guadeloupe

” We need you “. In a video posted this Sunday on his Twitter account, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran launched an appeal for “national solidarity” for caregivers. “I appeal to the national solidarity of our caregivers in metropolitan France to come to the aid of overseas hospitals and in particular in Martinique and Guadeloupe (…) which are facing a very intense epidemic wave”, specifies the Minister.

“If you are caregivers, in particular anesthetists, resuscitators, emergency physicians, infectious disease specialists, nurses, nurses (…) this message is for you,” says Olivier Véran at the start of his video. “The health impact is very important in the West Indies (…) If you feel concerned, if you are available and ready to provide additional help in the fight against the epidemic, I ask you to contact your head of establishment if you are work at the hospital or contact the regional health agency, ”continues the minister in his video.

Reconfinement in Guadeloupe and Martinique

Reconfined since July 30 for Martinique and since August 4 for Guadeloupe, the West Indies are facing an alarming situation. In Martinique, the first army reinforcements arrived on August 3 in order to increase “the reception capacity in intensive care,” said the Armed Forces. “In ten days, a new plane will take off with soldiers and medical equipment,” said Defense Minister Florence Parly.

In his video published this Sunday, Olivier Véran also indicates that an aircraft will take off next Tuesday “with dozens of caregivers on board”. Three Covid patients in intensive care were transferred last week to mainland France from Martinique and were taken care of in AP-HP establishments in the Paris region. In total, 20 additional intensive care beds were opened in the West Indies, “a medical and logistical feat” had estimated this week the Minister of Defense Florence Parly.

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