Olaf Scholz visiting the Elysée on Wednesday to restart the Franco-German couple

They meet Wednesday at the Elysée to try to iron out tensions. Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will try to relaunch bilateral cooperation, weighed down by a series of disputes.

“They will come back in particular to the common challenges that our countries will have to face in the decade to come and to the best way to respond to them in a united and united manner”, underlines the French presidency.

The two presidents will address the war in Ukraine

European solidarity in the face of soaring energy, nuclear, European arms prices… Nothing is going well between the two leading European economies, which are supposed to be the engine of the Union.

During the last European summit, the two leaders, who met separately, displayed a certain desire for appeasement. Emmanuel Macron felt that this meeting had “made it possible to clarify many things” and that it was “normal” not to always have the same positions.

The president and the chancellor will also discuss Wednesday the “latest developments” of the war in Ukraine, “always in the same spirit of unwavering support” in kyiv, continued the Elysee.

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