Olaf Scholz at the federal press conference on Cum Ex and the world situation

Olaf Scholz speaks for the first time as head of government at the federal press conference. 33 questioners and a chancellor who took 105 minutes to answer the questions – or not. An overview in eight – exactly – questions and answers.

The chancellor was punctual, came without a tie, but was quite satisfied with himself and his coalition. Scholz summed it up at one point that he thinks it’s good “that the government has managed to make the right decisions despite this great challenge”. Well then – any questions? There were still a few. Scholz remained true to himself, sometimes answering briefly with just one word, sometimes in detail. He tried to be intelligible, which sometimes failed due to his very quiet way of speaking. The chancellor was quick-witted in view of his predecessors Angela Merkel and Gerhard Schröder – and only once almost lost his composure when he hinted at legal consequences to a journalist.

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