Olaf Scholz and the question: What is the point of a phone call with Putin? – Opinion

The Chancellor invests 90 minutes in a conversation with Putin, in which both talk past each other. It’s still right that he’s doing this — also to find out how much reality the Kremlin boss allows himself to get close to.

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Daniel Brossler

The only thing that is certain is that Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Russian President Vladimir Putin talked for a long time on Tuesday. This is what emerges from comparatively detailed statements by the Chancellery and the Kremlin. After reading the two reports, it is less clear that the Chancellor and the head of the Kremlin actually spoke to each other. The phone call that Moscow says Vladimir Putin made was about a Russian special operation and Russia’s alleged reliability as an energy supplier. According to his spokesman, Scholz, in turn, was a participant in a conversation about the Russian war against Ukraine and its consequences.

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