Olaf Scholz and Biden emphasize close cooperation in Ukraine crisis

First visit to the USA
“We work hand in hand”: Scholz and Biden emphasize close cooperation in the Ukraine crisis

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (l.) Talks to US President Joe Biden in the Oval Office of the White House

© Alex Brandon/DPA

At the first joint press conference in the White House, US President Biden and Chancellor Olaf Scholz emphasized their unity in the Ukraine conflict. There’s only one thing wrong.

“Welcome, welcome, welcome!” US President Joe Biden greeted Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the Oval Office of the White House. “Germany is one of America’s closest allies.” It sounds similar to Scholz: “We are our closest allies and work together intensively, and that is necessary in order to take the steps that we have to take in the fight against Russian aggression against Ukraine, for example.” It is an important meeting at a very important time.

The statements of the two last less than two minutes. An American journalist then calls out to Biden: “Mr. President, has Germany done enough against Russian aggression?” At first there is no answer. Scholz parries the question with a smile.

Olaf Scholz emphasizes unity at press conference with Biden

“We had a very productive meeting,” the US President later begins the first joint press conference. “It was a very good meeting.” Biden emphasizes that they share the same values ​​and are on the same page in the joint partnership.

With a view to the Ukraine crisis, the US President underlines the cooperation. “Germany, the United States, and our allies and partners are working closely together to find diplomatic solutions to this situation,” Biden said. “And diplomacy is the best way forward for everyone involved.” That also applies to Russia. The USA and Germany are ready to continue talks with Moscow.

“Germany and the United States are close friends, reliable partners, and we can rely on each other,” Biden said, thanking Scholz.

Then it’s Olaf Scholz’s turn. Just like Biden, the Chancellor emphasizes the “good, personal conversation” with the US President.

When dealing with Russia, Scholz emphasizes the dual strategy of clear announcements of sanctions and the use of all communication formats.

Read more shortly from the press conference here.

Germany’s reputation cracked since the Ukraine crisis

Since the escalation in the Ukraine conflict, Germany’s image in the USA has been scratched. There are doubts as to whether NATO can really count on its most populous and economically strong allies when things get serious.

The Biden government is officially committed to Germany as an ally. Behind the diplomatic facade, however, discordant tones have long been mixed into the debate. The US and its allies are wondering “whether they can count on Germany in the Russia-Ukraine crisis,” the Wall Street Journal recently wrote. The US broadcaster NBC analyzed that the hesitant attitude of Europe’s leading economic power “threatening to undermine efforts to take a strong and united stand against Russian aggression”. The tabloid New York Post called Germany “a poor example of a US ally”.


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