OJ Simpson and the famous glove photo – the story behind it

It was the trial of the decade. And Vince Bucci was sitting outside the door. Nevertheless, he managed to take the photo of OJ Simpson that made history. For the star he looked back on this moment in 2016.

Recorded by Alexandra Kraft

This text comes from the stern archive and was first published in 2016. On the occasion of Death of OJ Simpson we are publishing it again here.

The OJ Simpson case was an event of the century in the USA. First you could watch live on television for hours as OJ raced through Los Angeles in his white Bronco and the police chased after him. Then Judge Lance Ito allowed cameras in the courtroom for the trial. That was a sensation back then, in 1995.

I was happy because I was working for the AFP photo agency at the time. However, the television cameras barely fit in the small courtroom. There was no more room for photographers. So we had to think of something. A colleague had the idea of ​​installing a camera on the wall behind the judge that could be controlled by remote control. That was brilliant.

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