Office of the future: living where there used to be only work – business

Instead of driving to work every morning, millions of people have been working from home for the last two years. Will they ever return? Probably only if the office changes fundamentally. Siemens is trying to do just that in Berlin.


Stephan Radomsky and Julian Schmidt-Farrent

It is January 8, 2020, exactly 19 days will pass before the first corona case is registered in Germany. In Berlin, the leaders of a red-red-green state government and a Dax group shake hands: The first plan for the new Siemensstadt is in place. The technology group of the same name now also wants to do urban development in a district that already bears its name. In Siemensstadt between Charlottenburg and Spandau, what is now called a “hub” is to be created from a desolate industrial area on 70 hectares: living and working, researching and producing – everything networked, everything close together. Many people in a small space, short distances and above all: close contacts.

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